Ann Miura-Ko, ’98 B.S., Ph.D.
Ann Miura-Ko is a co-founding partner at Floodgate, a seed-stage venture capital firm with notable investments in companies including Lyft, Twitter, Twitch, and Okta.

Known for her inception stage investments that range from marketplaces to highly technical companies, Ms. Miura-Ko's investments have earned her repeat appearances on the Forbes Midas List and The New York Times list of top twenty venture capitalists worldwide. At Stanford University—where she received her Ph.D. for her work on mathematical modeling of cybersecurity—she is a lecturer in engineering, teaching on topics from blockchain to intelligent growth for startups. In addition, she is a co-director of the Stanford Mayfield Fellows Program, which helps train undergraduates to become technology leaders. Ms. Miura-Ko is a co-founding member of AllRaise, an organization dedicated to increasing the success and prevalence of female funders and founders. Ms. Miura-Ko received a B.S. in electrical engineering from Yale. As an alumna, she has served on the School of Engineering & Applied Science Leadership Council and as a non-trustee member of the Corporation Committee on Investments. She was elected an alumni fellow in 2019.